A Diary of Sorts
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
A Beautiful End of the Year
Well my friends, my first semester here at the University of Miami has finally wound down, and although I am in my last week during reading days and finals, I am more relieved than anything else that I survived this long and learned so much in the process!!! :) I'll be going home on the fourteenth (Yay!!) , but my winter break will be full of piano practicing and compositional studies. I plan to raid the music library before I leave and take books home on orchestration and choral composition...it's going to be a good break :)
December first was an SCI (Society of Composers, Inc.) concert here at the University and I had the chance to write and perform a piece on the program. It was actually a revision of a piece I wrote last year, but rewritten for piano and two sopranos. I wrote them for my friends Marissa and Madelaine, two of my kindred spirits that I have found here at school. Both young ladies are opera performance majors, and Marissa is a composer as well. She had a piece of hers on the concert too. (It was excellent, by the way!) Anyhow, I'm posting a video of our performance. It was a really rewarding experience, especially since we were the only freshmen on the program. All of the other pieces were by seniors and grad students, and almost all of the faculty were there as well. I felt teary eyed after wards, because although the audience wasn't tremendously large, a good percentage were friends of mine who really care about me and support me in my studies and have been there through all the ups and downs of my first semester in school. How blessed I am! Enjoy the performance :)
December first was an SCI (Society of Composers, Inc.) concert here at the University and I had the chance to write and perform a piece on the program. It was actually a revision of a piece I wrote last year, but rewritten for piano and two sopranos. I wrote them for my friends Marissa and Madelaine, two of my kindred spirits that I have found here at school. Both young ladies are opera performance majors, and Marissa is a composer as well. She had a piece of hers on the concert too. (It was excellent, by the way!) Anyhow, I'm posting a video of our performance. It was a really rewarding experience, especially since we were the only freshmen on the program. All of the other pieces were by seniors and grad students, and almost all of the faculty were there as well. I felt teary eyed after wards, because although the audience wasn't tremendously large, a good percentage were friends of mine who really care about me and support me in my studies and have been there through all the ups and downs of my first semester in school. How blessed I am! Enjoy the performance :)
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Friends and other blessings...

Hello dear readers! Welcome again to my journal:) I promised to add smaller entries more often, so here goes... I must say that one aspect of coming to school that I never pondered much over was that of making friends.In my mind, I saw myself studying music and practicing into the wee hours of the morning, and being solely focused on my work without regard to creating friendships and learning to rely on those closest around you. I have been so incredibly blessed in not only having the most wonderful roommate (her nickname is Mook!) , but also having the chance to be with so many other Christian young ladies on campus.

This past weekend, the Christian group here on campus-CRU- took a weekend retreat over in North Miami beach. The goal of this time was to allow all of the young believers on campus to have a chance to draw closer to God, to each other, and to the realization that we need the support that comes from being a part of God's family and fellowshipping with our brothers and sisters...
These are just a few pictures that I took from this special weekend. Each photograph holds a beautiful memory for me and symbolizes the importance of having true friends. These young people are close to my heart, and are part of my family away from home...
farm life,
kate cabrera,
universoty of miami,
young composer
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Chapter One
Well, it's been some time since my last post. Needless to say, since moving to the Miami area and beginning school ,my world has been thrown into an uproar and has been slowly transforming into a lifestyle that I could never imagine possible for myself. My days are filled to the brim with music. Through theory, aural skills training, accompanying, and lessons (to name a few) I have begun developing a taste for what the life of a musician in the 21st century entails.
I have been working on revising a piano/voice duet that I wrote earlier last year for an upcoming concert at the U. (That's what we call the university of Miami!) I'll actually find out tomorrow whether or not my score was chosen by my professors for that particular performance. I am so excited!
One of the really neat opportunities I am having now is the chance to sing in one of the ladies'
choirs here at school: Cantilena. Our music selection is varied and fun and beautiful. I say all this because we just had our first conert to night and it was phenomenal.The pictures I am posting can give you an idea (!)
So far, my opportunities to share the gospel here on campus have been bountiful. There are so many ears that are willing to listen to the truth, and yet I find that often it is my own sin and selfishness that prevents (or slows me down) from being ready to share the word at any moment.
I realize that this message is a bit shorter that my previous entries, but I DO plan to post more often. Keep checking back for updates!!!
Love, Kate
kate cabrera,
music composition,
young woman
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
My Final Farewell
Dearest Friend,
This afternoon I had the immense pleasure of performing for a benefit luncheon for the Anson County Arts Council in Wadesboro, NC. For quite some time now, plans had been underway for this event-and I was very honored to be able to participate.
The Arts Council has been such an incredible means of encouragement and support to me as a student artist- providing me with performance opportunities, helping me gain exposure etc... When approached by one of the board members about being the guest performer for this afternoon's lunch, I was thrilled accept!
For the past few years, the Arts Council has been putting on three "Bach's Lunches" over the summertime in an effort to gain support for their renovation project of the old Ansonia Theatre ( a wonderful historic theatre in downtown Wadesboro with an intensely rich biography!)
In appreciation for all that has been afforded me through the council and its kind board members, I composed a special piece of music for this Bach's Lunch and titled it "Ansonia". I do believe it was received well...:)I consider my time spent with the council as a truly sweet time in my life. Now, as I prepare to begin my professional career as a composer, all the memories and faces of gentle souls who warmly prodded me along as a child and into my young adult years flood back to me, and the Arts Council holds many such dear faces.
May the most remarkable and enduring of blessings be with these kind people, and may their efforts to strengthen and encourage the youth of our community through the world of art never be forgotten.
Affectionately Yours,
p.s. I hope you enjoy a few of the photos I have enclosed below!
My mom and I arrived at the church at around 11:20 a.m. Imagine our surprise when we saw this sign outside! It was a pleasantly warm afternoon, brimming with promises of a beautiful time of fellowship and music. What a combination!

Haha- can you tell that I talk with my hands??? This shot was taken from across the dining table by my mother, who thought my engrossing account of how music is built around "themes" would make for an...interesting photo. Thanks, mom. :) (Although now that I think of it, I don't look very excited, do I? Just a thought...)

I played altogether six pieces of music, ranging from the first song I ever performed as a student composer, all the way to a piece that I finished two nights ago-"Ansonia". I composed and dedicated this music to the Anson County Arts Council, and performed it in honor of the future young artists who will one day grace the stage of the renovated Ansonia Theatre...

This afternoon I had the immense pleasure of performing for a benefit luncheon for the Anson County Arts Council in Wadesboro, NC. For quite some time now, plans had been underway for this event-and I was very honored to be able to participate.
The Arts Council has been such an incredible means of encouragement and support to me as a student artist- providing me with performance opportunities, helping me gain exposure etc... When approached by one of the board members about being the guest performer for this afternoon's lunch, I was thrilled accept!
For the past few years, the Arts Council has been putting on three "Bach's Lunches" over the summertime in an effort to gain support for their renovation project of the old Ansonia Theatre ( a wonderful historic theatre in downtown Wadesboro with an intensely rich biography!)
In appreciation for all that has been afforded me through the council and its kind board members, I composed a special piece of music for this Bach's Lunch and titled it "Ansonia". I do believe it was received well...:)I consider my time spent with the council as a truly sweet time in my life. Now, as I prepare to begin my professional career as a composer, all the memories and faces of gentle souls who warmly prodded me along as a child and into my young adult years flood back to me, and the Arts Council holds many such dear faces.
May the most remarkable and enduring of blessings be with these kind people, and may their efforts to strengthen and encourage the youth of our community through the world of art never be forgotten.
Affectionately Yours,
p.s. I hope you enjoy a few of the photos I have enclosed below!
My mom and I arrived at the church at around 11:20 a.m. Imagine our surprise when we saw this sign outside! It was a pleasantly warm afternoon, brimming with promises of a beautiful time of fellowship and music. What a combination!
Haha- can you tell that I talk with my hands??? This shot was taken from across the dining table by my mother, who thought my engrossing account of how music is built around "themes" would make for an...interesting photo. Thanks, mom. :) (Although now that I think of it, I don't look very excited, do I? Just a thought...)
I played altogether six pieces of music, ranging from the first song I ever performed as a student composer, all the way to a piece that I finished two nights ago-"Ansonia". I composed and dedicated this music to the Anson County Arts Council, and performed it in honor of the future young artists who will one day grace the stage of the renovated Ansonia Theatre...
A very kind gentleman complimented my playing and asked me if I wanted to go to New York one day to pursue my endeavors there---now, do I ever??
Following the performance, I had the opportunity to talk with some of the wonderful people who came to the luncheon. We shared a good deal of smiles and hugs and made promises to meet again. I intend to keep that promise!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Just Another Morning
Dear Friend,
I write again tonight with the joyful abandon of a child-eager to share the wonders of this world with all who have an imagination and a ready spirit. Care to join me over a cup of tea?
This morning dawned as mornings usually do, and I had the chance to watch the sun rise high above the tree line that stretches far and away from the borders of our farm. How magnificent, exquisite! Too often I take for granted the gift of light and day and all that is afforded to mankind through it. Can you imagine what a life of dusky skies and no sun would be like? Think of how dismal our lives would be...Thankfully, our Creator has provided us with a rather substantial ball of fire that has done its fair share of shedding light upon this earth for quite some time:) Aaah.... the bliss of summertime and the freedom to enjoy these simple pleasures!
Speaking of pleasures, a lovely surprise awaited me at the mail box this afternoon! For my birthday this year, my mother (see her blog here: http://www.woolytales.blogspot.com ) had a wonderful seamstress commissioned to sew some dresses for me to take to school in the fall. To complete my wardrobe, my mother requested several dresses and skirts that would supply me with a sufficient wardrobe and a happy heart...
Well, this afternoon, two of the dresses arrived and they both fit PERFECTLY! One was made from a solid, forest-green cotton material, and the other a civil-war brown with a very fine print in black. They truly are beautiful. I probably should mention that I dress in a very Victorian style, although comfort and simplicity are my main priorities when sewing or searching for dresses. Of course, staying true to the historical period is always an enjoyable experience, but since I probably won't be having a roommate at school with a willingness to button me up every morning before classes...Well, sometimes a zipper will have to do;)
I plan on (hopefully!) purchasing a camera before leaving in August. My mind still functions under "rolls of film" , so it's about time I catch up with technology, don't you think? If I can get a camera sooner than later, then I will work on uploading pictures of the things I talk about in my posts. Maybe then the words on these pages will become more real for you as a reader, and not just the verses of a writer in her corner of the world...
Until then,
I remain respectfully yours,
I write again tonight with the joyful abandon of a child-eager to share the wonders of this world with all who have an imagination and a ready spirit. Care to join me over a cup of tea?
This morning dawned as mornings usually do, and I had the chance to watch the sun rise high above the tree line that stretches far and away from the borders of our farm. How magnificent, exquisite! Too often I take for granted the gift of light and day and all that is afforded to mankind through it. Can you imagine what a life of dusky skies and no sun would be like? Think of how dismal our lives would be...Thankfully, our Creator has provided us with a rather substantial ball of fire that has done its fair share of shedding light upon this earth for quite some time:) Aaah.... the bliss of summertime and the freedom to enjoy these simple pleasures!
Speaking of pleasures, a lovely surprise awaited me at the mail box this afternoon! For my birthday this year, my mother (see her blog here: http://www.woolytales.blogspot.com ) had a wonderful seamstress commissioned to sew some dresses for me to take to school in the fall. To complete my wardrobe, my mother requested several dresses and skirts that would supply me with a sufficient wardrobe and a happy heart...
Well, this afternoon, two of the dresses arrived and they both fit PERFECTLY! One was made from a solid, forest-green cotton material, and the other a civil-war brown with a very fine print in black. They truly are beautiful. I probably should mention that I dress in a very Victorian style, although comfort and simplicity are my main priorities when sewing or searching for dresses. Of course, staying true to the historical period is always an enjoyable experience, but since I probably won't be having a roommate at school with a willingness to button me up every morning before classes...Well, sometimes a zipper will have to do;)
I plan on (hopefully!) purchasing a camera before leaving in August. My mind still functions under "rolls of film" , so it's about time I catch up with technology, don't you think? If I can get a camera sooner than later, then I will work on uploading pictures of the things I talk about in my posts. Maybe then the words on these pages will become more real for you as a reader, and not just the verses of a writer in her corner of the world...
Until then,
I remain respectfully yours,
young woman
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Getting Ready for College...At Last
Hi There! It's been awhile since my last post and I am hoping to fall back into the groove of writing again. It's been another year of growth and learning for me-in my faith, schooling, music, and essentially entire life. Over the past months, seemingly insurmountable obstacles have been conquered, broken hopes and dreams restored, and a resurgence in my faith in Christ as my only hope and redemption has blossomed within me. Soli Deo Gloria.
The chapter in my life entitled "HIGH SCHOOL" is finally finished- including years' worth of writing, re-writing, and editing. Now, as my university education looms ever nearer, I look back at all the many wonderful blessings and memories during the past four years and cherish each with a happiness that seems to grow every day. Truly, the days for me now are bittersweet. It is with joy that I enter college life with many wonderful plans for pursuing music composition, but I also long for the comfort and rest found within the arms of my family. My prayer is that my trust will be rooted firmly in the Lord, and that I will look to Him always.
In two months' time, I shall step on the campus grounds of the University of Miami and (hopefully!) enter an exciting time of my life. My roommate and I are communicating back and forth, eagerly sharing ideas for what to bring, how to prepare, and praying about how we can be shining lights for the Lord while at school!
I hope to post more regularly, and look forward to sharing this journey with you all!
The chapter in my life entitled "HIGH SCHOOL" is finally finished- including years' worth of writing, re-writing, and editing. Now, as my university education looms ever nearer, I look back at all the many wonderful blessings and memories during the past four years and cherish each with a happiness that seems to grow every day. Truly, the days for me now are bittersweet. It is with joy that I enter college life with many wonderful plans for pursuing music composition, but I also long for the comfort and rest found within the arms of my family. My prayer is that my trust will be rooted firmly in the Lord, and that I will look to Him always.
In two months' time, I shall step on the campus grounds of the University of Miami and (hopefully!) enter an exciting time of my life. My roommate and I are communicating back and forth, eagerly sharing ideas for what to bring, how to prepare, and praying about how we can be shining lights for the Lord while at school!
I hope to post more regularly, and look forward to sharing this journey with you all!
music composition,
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